Parasites In and On Your Cat

Internal Parasites:

Many cats will have internal or external parasites at some point in their lives.  It is very common for new kittens to come infected with worms.  Most of the intestinal worms will stay inside the animal.  Therefore, we do not look for the actual worms to diagnose their presence- we look for the microscopic eggs they lay by examining their feces.  This is why annual fecal exams are so important.  The types of specimens we are looking to identify in a cat’s stool are roundworms, tapeworms, hookworm, coccidia, giardia, and toxoplasma.

If you’d like to be proactive with intestinal parasites, CENTRAGARD is a topical, monthly treatment that prevents heartworm disease plus treats and controls hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.

Centragard Click to buy

External Parasites:

External parasites include fleas, ear mites, and ticks.  Even indoor-only cats are susceptible to contracting these parasites whether brought in on your clothes, on your dog, or on the back of a mouse.  Fleas, when ingested can pose the potential to infect your cat with tapeworm.  A flea infestation can also be incredibly difficult to remedy.

Revolution Plus is a topical, monthly treatment for cats that kills fleas and ticks, prevents heartworm, and treats and controls ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms.  It is the most inclusive, veterinarian recommended parasite treatment for cats.

revolution plus click to buy